I am not arguing from a contrarian ideological stance.
We all argue from a presuppositional stance, a worldview that we impose on data. A materialistic view of the nature of man is the underlying problem that you and others are having.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
I am not arguing from a contrarian ideological stance.
We all argue from a presuppositional stance, a worldview that we impose on data. A materialistic view of the nature of man is the underlying problem that you and others are having.
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
(Revelation 22:8) "Well I, John, was the one hearing and seeing these things. When I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing me these things."
Are we to believe that an apostle of Christ would try to worship an angel - twice????????
The fundamental problem is not evidence. There are volumes of that. Like I said many times before, the problem is one of definitions. I suspect that the posters on this thread critical of the biblical claim in 1 Timothy 3: 16 God was manifest in the flesh, have simply failed to shed the heretical views on soul and spirit taught to them by their former Watchtower overseers.
This is a very convenient belief to retain because it soothes the soul by believing that there is no chance that their consciousness will survive death. The sinful mind senses that to be comfortable in this life a person merely needs to reject the tri-partite nature of man and look forward to an eternity of nothingness.
Because of this foundational false premise, Unitarians frequently state that 1+1+1 = 3 not one. Yet they have no problem believeing that H2O can exist as a solid, gas, or liquid and yet be one substance.
Water: 1+1+1 = 1 substance & 3 manifestations
Water doesn't create an existential crisis like the nature of man and the nature of God does. So, there are no 24 page arguments on the nature of water because it is no threat to our well being.
I suspect All of the posters on this thread critical of the unbroken chain of evidence on the deity of Christ from the eyewitnesses of the Resurection down to the present day DO NOT accept the biblical definition of our soul and spirit as PERSONS in the bible.
Please correct me if I am wrong. But, can anyone of these posters below state that they accept the biblical characterization of soul and spirit as persons?
Peaceful Pete
To qualify as a man, Jesus must have the below three parts. To quality as God he only needs one. This is the ONLY paradigmn that accomodates all scriptures and sayings of Jesus.
Water is 1+1+1 = 1 substance existing in 3 states
Jesus is 1+1+1 = 1 being existing in 3 states
A person may not accept this reality, but it is consistent and logically coherent. Unitarianism is inconsistent with all of the scriptures and is thus internally flawed.
english translation of czech branch letter to congregations concerning the government looking to deregisterjw as a religion there.. .
But, what's your excuse Syd ?
english translation of czech branch letter to congregations concerning the government looking to deregisterjw as a religion there.. .
No, it was crammed down my throat. I had perhaps over 100 JW relatives on both sides of the family going back 4 generations. I had no other worldview to anchor me. When I started asking the "wrong" questions after the failed 1975 prophecy (age 13), I would get grilled for hours by my dad and uber self-righteous older brothers. I would have to run out of the house and go to a neighborhood friends house to calm down and try to keep my head from exploding. Twice, I came back and found everything I owned on the front yard. Clothes, school books, matress - entire bedroom cleaned out. All on public display for the neighbors to see that I had been publically rejected by my family.
So, I was put out on the street at 14. I was exposed to most everything you can imagine after that. Shunning makes no difference if you are baptized or not. I was told to be thankful because if it was bible times they would have to stone me. That is no B.S.! They had me convinced I was was a "bad" kid and that there was no hope for me.
The last grade I completed was the 8th grade. Went to work as a travelling salesman the minute I turned 16. I'm 61 now and it has taken a lifetime to unravel the damage those demonic jackasses caused me and my family. It's amazing I didn't turn out to be an ax-murderer - had unbelievable amounts of rage that I have had to work through off and on with professionals for over 30 years.
All because I refused to turn a blind eye to their lies and pretend nothing was wrong with their childish false prophecies.
I'll be retiring on 75 acres with two beautiful homes on it in six monts. Plan to raise some cattle. Looking for peace at this point in my life. My wife is 17 years younger than me and is from the Czech Republic. Now that our youngest son will be going to University next Fall; We plan on buying an apartment in Olomouc, CZ to be more near her relatives, who are WONDERFUL people. Summers are rough in South Texas, but central Europe is awesome in Summer.
We played a game with friends and family the other day and the question came up what song should be played when you enter the room. I was the subject. My 17 year old football player son immediately wrote down George Thoroughgood "Bad to the Bone". I got pretty choked up when he wrote that.
No longer are there any family members in my life that believe that I am such an abomination that I should be stoned to death. They have been replaced by others with a different opinion. I am nearing the finish-line. Victory is in sight. But, let's not forget those that have fallen along the path to freedom out of Watchtower. God bless the Czech Republic.
Carry on,
english translation of czech branch letter to congregations concerning the government looking to deregisterjw as a religion there.. .
"We deeply value... the support of all who... help defend freedom of worship" .
Utter bovine excrement. There is no freedom of worship for JW children who cannot in good conscience support a religion who makes false predictions and teaches them to view their neighbors as manure on the ground and their God-ordained government as agents of Satan.
Lord Jesus, you said that our governents are placed here to keep us safe and to punish evil. Thank you for continuing to open the eyes of governments to the abuses and denial of freedom of worship to children of JW parents. Amen!
a watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
This article further explores Woodworth and Rutherford's occultic ties:
I don't know why this thread is getting so many thumbs down. This is rich stuff.
a watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
Here is an excerpt talk by C.J. Woodworth, given in 1913, where he admits to be demon possessed. He was the sole editor of the Golden Age magazine.
There was a time for five consecutive nights when I never slept a wink; then came a time when the strain was too much; my mind became unbalanced, and I came directly under the influence of evil spirits, so much so that for three days I was as completely under demonical control as was Mrs. Eddy when she wrote "Science and Health."
Previous to this time I had prepared a 36-page book against the Vow, printed in double column, in which all Scriptures which seemed to be directly or indirectly against the Vow were arranged. I know now that all these Scriptures were suggested to my mind by the evil spirits.
are convention dramas still a thing or have these been replaced by videos of dramas recorded in the usa?.
Yes, let's not idolize actors in the video productions. It might distract from other forms of idolotry.
a watchtower in ceremonial magical tradition is a tutelary spirit of one of the four cardinal points or quarters (east, south, west and north).
in many magical traditions, they are understood to be enochian angels... originating with the enochian tradition of john dee, a version of it was popularized by the hermetic order of the golden dawn, which became hugely influential in modern western esotericism, including wicca.
the watchtowers are invoked during the ritual of casting a magic circle.. .
God says in Leviticus 19:31 “Do not turn to mediums or spiritualists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them.”
So why would the Watchtower so easily turn to mediums and spiritualists for support for their eroneous John 1: 1 renddering?
The Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation provided a photo-copy of a letter from the Watchtower Society acknowledging receipt of not only several of his New Testaments, but also Greber’s book Communication with the Spirit World of God.
Greber claims that he translated his new testament bible with the help of spirits using his wife as a medium.
Why would Watchtower resort to spirit mediums to support their doctrines unless they are all on the same team?
that's what the word says.
colossians 1:16. for by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him..
the actual evidence shows a very human story of developing theology centuries in the making.
So, what kind of evidence would it take for you to conclude the deity of Christ was not a 'developing human story", but rather an account of God manifesting in the flesh?